architect fees in France

The architectural profession is a regulated profession subject to the provisions of French Law No. 77-2 of 3 January 1977 amended on architecture and its implementing regulations, particularly Decree No 80-217 of 20 March 1980 following the professional architectural duties code. The architect is free to set his fees based on the nature, duration and complexity of the mission. By definition, they can not be displayed upstream. However here are some things that can inform you :


Architect's fees can be calculated in different ways:

    - by a global set price see agency fees and costs agency hourly rate here
    - by a percentage depending on the complexity and size of the project

Several factors interact in the development in calculating architect's fees:

    The program - determining the complexity note
    The deadlines - the time used
    The budget - difference in pay according to the size of the project

The agency fees are calculated according to the M.O.P. Law The grid used is that of H.L.M. (Habitat Loyer Modéré H.L.M.= Moderate Rent Housing). Here are some links to get acquainted :

C.N.O.A. <- home page

Légifrance <- home page

M.I.Q.C.P. <- home page via site de l'U.N.S.F.A. pour pallier la défaillance du site de la M.I.Q.C.P.


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