workshop fees and costs

Workshop fees and costs

Year 2016

Missions entrusted to the architecture Workshop are paid in the form of fees freely negotiated between the parties as follows:

1 – Global pay:
To define according to the type of mission, its importance, its difficulty, its extent, and compared to the estimated amount of work in the case of the execution of the building
The global pay is calculated from the program and the financial envelope provided by the Client: it is adjusted at the end of the Final Draft on the basis of the estimate calculated by the architect.
In the case of missions on the building, The global pay is indexed in accordance with section 4.1.1. of the General Conditions of the Architect Contract

2 - Percentage payout
The fee of the architect can be fixed as a percentage following a rate which
varies depending on the type of mission.

3 - Remuneration paid
Price schedule without taxes:
Architect 122€/heure 976 €/day 488 € / ½-day
Collaborator : 88€/heure
Study collaborator : 63€/Heure
Secretary : 51€/heure

The multiplier of overheads is 1.7

4 - Sessional payments
Sessional price: 260 € without taxes

5 - Value-added tax V.A.T.
In addition to the fixed fee, the Client shall pay to the architect VAT at the prevailing rate

6 - Decomposition mission element and timing of payments
The payment of the fee will be made as and when the progress of studies.
The bills submitted by the Architect must be settled by the Client within 30 days
of receipt, failing which the default interest at the legal rate increased by 20%
will be due


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